
  • PingPlotter
  • 軟體版本 : 5.25.6 for macOS
  • 軟體分類 : 223網路相關 (網路監測)
  • 語言介面 : 英文
  • 作業系統 : macOS
  • 軟體性質 : 共享軟體
  • 使用限制 : 十四天試用
  • 建議售價 : US:199.95
  • 檔案大小 : 21.59 MB
  • 點閱次數 : 9,187下載次數 : 823
  • 更新時間 : 2024/10/22 上午 08:15:09


網路頻寬障礙排除、診斷工具 - Ping Plotter,可以持續 Ping 一個網域名稱,並列出連線所經節點之 DNS 名稱,透過滑鼠右鍵查詢 WHOIS 網域登記資料;還具有聲音、郵件警報功能,可以在網站頻寬介於預定值時發出警告!

From Frank




Feature Free MultiPing Standard Professional
Targets One at a time Hundreds at a time Two at a time Hundreds at a time
Metrics Latency, packet loss Latency, packet loss Latency, packet loss Latency, packet loss, jitter
Packets ICMP ICMP ICMP, TCP, UDP ICMP, TCP, UDP, remote agent
Routes Visualize current route N/A Visualize current route, adjust focus to see route changes Visualize current route, adjust focus to see route changes
Protocols IPv4, IPv6 IPv4, IPv6 IPv4, IPv6 IPv4, IPv6
Analysis Focus upper graph Focus upper graph, scale and scroll timelines Focus upper graph, scale and scroll timelines Focus upper graph, scale and scroll timelines


Feature Free MultiPing Standard Professional
History 10 minutes, graph final hop only Unlimited, graph final hop only Unlimited, graph all hops Unlimited, graph all hops
Background collection Runs as native service N/A Runs as native service Runs as native service
Management Auto-save collected data Dock and float windows, custom workspaces Auto-save collected data, dock and float windows, custom workspaces Auto-save collected data, dock and float windows, custom workspaces, summary screens, named configurations
Remote access N/A N/A N/A Web interface
Alert conditions N/A Latency, packet loss, count based Latency, packet loss, time based, count based Latency, packet loss, time based, count based
Alert events N/A Log to File, send email, play sound, tray notification, REST call Log to File, send email, play sound, tray notification, REST call Log to File, send email, play sound, tray notification, REST call, modify summary


Feature Free MultiPing Standard Professional
Share Post to pingplotter.com N/A Post to pingplotter.com Post to pingplotter.com
Save Text, PingPlotter files, images N/A Text, PingPlotter files, images Text, PingPlotter files, images
Load Files you make N/A Any PingPlotter file Any PingPlotter file


Volume discounts apply to multi-license purchases.

Feature Free MultiPing Standard Professional
Perpetual license No charge ever $39.99 $39.99 $199.95
Subscription N/A N/A $6.99 / license / month $19.99 / license / month
Maintenance N/A Start at $9.99 / year Start at $9.99 / year Start at $49.99 / year
Purchase Download Free Buy MultiPing Buy Standard Buy Professional


RollBack Rx Pro 12.0

一個全面的 Windows 系統還原解決方案,使用戶和 IT 管理員能夠在幾秒鐘內輕鬆地將電腦系統還原到任何以前的狀態。

RollBack Rx 是您 PC 的即時時間機器。RollBack Rx 提供了一種管理 PC 的全新方法。任何不可預見的事件,例如用戶錯誤、病毒甚至軟體安裝錯誤,都可以以快速有效的方式輕鬆且絕對地逆轉。
Windows 系統還原僅還原 Windows 系統檔案和一些程式檔案。此外,如果 Windows 崩潰到 Windows 本身無法啟動的程度(例如 BSOD),您將無法瀏覽 Windows 系統還原點。相比之下,RollBack Rx 技術在硬碟的扇區級別工作並復原所有內容!一直到資料的最後一個字節。它位於 Windows 下方,因此即使 Windows 崩潰,也有一個在 Windows 之前啟動的子控制台(迷你作業系統)。這使您可以瀏覽 Rollback Rx 並返回到系統正常工作的時間點。


Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player 6.7.72 for Windows

Aiseesoft Blu-ray Player 是一款利用 AI 技術開發的多功能播放器,支援播放 Blu-ray 光碟片 / 資料夾 / ISO 檔案、DVD 光碟片 / 資料夾 / ISO 檔案,以及各種 HD 和 UHD 4K 視訊檔案,並提供高質量的音訊效果和多種有用的播放功能。


Vidmore Video Editor 1.0.30 for Windows

Vidmore Video Editor 設計直觀,是一個功能齊全的視訊編輯程式,可以像專業人士一樣用視訊和音樂講述您的故事,在幾分鐘內建立專業視訊。

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